Founded in 2009, Didsbury Arts Festival (DAF) is an exciting contemporary festival of the arts, held in and around Didsbury in South Manchester, and where everyone is welcome.
DAF 2023 offered a rich programme of Music, Theatre, Visual Art, Exhibitions, Spoken Word and more - delivered through Events, Performances, Workshops, Immersive Experiences and Community Engagement - running from Saturday 24 June to Sunday 2 July.
For our 2023 festival we celebrated the theme Your Festival : Your Voice, using the public feedback from our community consultation process to influence our programming and ensure that the festival is truly 'a people's festival'.
We wanted all ages to find something inspiring and enjoyable, and events took place over 9-days, in the daytime and evenings, with both indoor and outdoor events throughout our partner venues in and around Didsbury. We also wanted the festival to be a diverse and artistically challenging event, relevant to audiences of all cultures, ages, and backgrounds, in Greater Manchester and beyond.
All of this was made possible thanks to the support and collaboration of our partners, sponsors, funders, donors, volunteers, artists and of course YOU - our audience and our inspiration!
The DAF23 Festival Team
Festival Director – Rodney Adams
Festival Coordinator – Daisy Lee
Volunteer Coordinator – Siobhan Donnelly
Marketing & PR Coordinator – Maria Loray
Theatre Programme Consultant – Neil Mackenzie
Visual Arts Coordinator – Hayley Watkinson
Festival Assistant – Louis Barclay
Live Music Consultant – Mike Healey
Tech and Production Consultant – Matt Lee
Press & PR Consultant – Deborah Grace
Website Support – Light Bulb Web Design

Do you want to help?
We'd love to get your views on how we can make the festival even more of a celebration of local creativity, communities and cultures, alongside the work of national and international contemporary artists. Please complete our short survey here, or your can also email us on info@didsburyartsfestival.org
Samantha Crowe
Neil Mackenzie
Hannah Mahaptara
Our Patrons
Thank you to our Patrons. Your donations directly contribute to making the festival happen and support subsidised ticket prices for those needing a little help in attending. Our 2023 DAF Festival Patrons were:
John and Penny Early
Debs and Jonathan Grace
Sue and Dave Kaberry
Dr Vikas Shah
Terry Sheldon and Carole Isis
Neil and Sue Smith
Maria and Robert Stripling
Jeff Smith, MP
Want to chat?
You can email us on the address below, or just drop us a message here: